Thursday, April 22, 2010

Complete On-Page Seo in 12 steps

Though many Search Engine Optimizers may disagree, On-page SEO is very much important. The need for extra on-page optimization is surely a debatable topic. Considering the search volume provided by the other search engines like Yahoo,Bing and ASK and their priority towards on-page factors, i’d say on-page optimization is a must. SEO For Google mainly consists of relevant off-page optimization mainly consisting of link-building but this is not the case with its competitors.


Relevancy according to Yahoo mainly includes Authority, trustrank and ofcourse on-page content.following are the tips and techniques to be considered while optimizing your pages so as to rank better for the respective keywords :


1) Keyword In URL :

Having your keyword in the URL can have the best influence for ranking for that particular keyword.


2) Keyword in Title :


3) First Priority :

Search engines read a page from the top left to the bottom right, place the Keyword within a

tag to the top left such that it will be the First words that the spider would read.


4) Last Priority :

So also place the Keyword in the bottom right corner.e.g. in the copy right text,i.e.© All rights reserved ‘Keyword’.


5) Html Tags :

Search Engines also give priority to text with the ,, tags. You may place your keyword within these, but be very sure not to overdo it. Having it once in each is more than enough.


6) Inclusion Of Images :

You ’should’ include images in your content,though search engines are not too smart with them’ images can be used for your benefit. They are even included in the ‘Google Images’ index thus driving you traffic from another source. Make sure the name of the image file is your Keyword,e.g. ‘Keyword’jpg. Also include the ‘alt’ attribute within the tag which will contain your Keyword i.e alt=”Keyword”.


7) Keyword Density :

Maintain a moderate level of keyword density, there is no prescribed amount that is deemed best but make sure you don’t overdo it. Many people say keyword density doesn’t matter but actually it does. Google Webmaster Tools itself gives significance to keywords based on their density.


8′) Keyword Proximity :

Place your keywords intelligently. Don’t keep a keyword 5 times in the first 50 words and 2 times in the next 500 words, that would be really stupid, its best to evenly place them across the content.


9) Internal Linking :

Linking to other pages within your domain wrapped within relevant keywords is a good practice for healthy on-page Seo. These inner links are known as deep links and internal linking has many benefits, i.e. (a)Reduces the bounce rate (b)Directs search crawlers to your inner pages thus helping some pages get indexed. (c) Acts as a low priority backlink highlighting the keyword wrapped.

10) Titles For Links :

How the ‘alt’ attribute is used for images, similarly the ‘title’ attribute is used for links within the tag. It provides some kind of hypothetical authority to these links and strengthens the keyword significance for the link if the keyword is placed within the ‘title’ attribute.


11) Meta Description :

Who says this isn’t important? The meta description is the description of the page mentioned in the SERPs(Search Engine Results Page). Keep the word count below 160 characters and place the keyword not more than 3 times. As per Matt Cutt’s last notice, Meta Description has no influence on SEO whatsoever. Make this description look genuine and not spammy as this is what will convince the users to click on the link leading to your site from the search engines.


12) NO Spam :

The last and the most important point. Your content is made for humans and not bots, don’t make it look even a bit spammy. You can compromise Seo but never compromise quality.

The best on-page Seo is the one that would not at all be visible to th normal visitor but would easily grab the attention of the search crawler. These are all the points I can get as of now, if there are any you would like to share you are welcomed to place them in your comments.

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